Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Plexus Myth #1

Plexus Myth #1:  'Plexus will make me skinny and healthy fast, without me making any changes to my diet or lifestyle!"  

As I have said before, I searched high and low looking for anything bad about Plexus before I decided to start taking any of their products.  I googled any combination of things looking for negative reviews, complications or lawsuits.  My research turned up nothing in the way of any ill effect.  As far as reviews, although it took quite a bit of searching, the only negative reviews I could find generally fell into two categories:

1. "Plexus didn't work for me at all.  I took it for two weeks and didn't lose any weight!"
OK, friends.  Some people really are looking for a quick fix.  They want to drop that 15 pounds in 10 days. Don't get me wrong...it does sound appealing.  But it's not safe, it's not healthy, and it's not realistic.  In fact, I would be scared of something that caused me to lose weight at such a rapid pace.  Those kind of products are the kind that result in injury, death, and lawsuits.  But, what I find with Plexus over and over is people who lose weight at a steady pace, 2 pounds a week, and occasionally a bit more. Think about that for a minute.  That can mean 8-10 pounds a month.   In three or four months, it might be 25-30 pounds.  These before and after pictures are the real deal.  So many of them are people I know and love in real life.

Some of my friends have seen a weight loss of 30 pounds in 4 months.  For others, it took a bit longer to see changes.  But what Plexus did for all of them was make it easier to make those lifestyle changes.  It took away the sugar cravings and curbed the appetites.  And it increased their energy so that they could be more active.

For some of them, the external, visible changes didn't really kick in until 2-3 months into their Plexus journey. And that's ok. Maybe, if you are impatient like me, it doesn't seem ok.  But sometimes the inside needs a little more fixing, a little more healing, before the positive effects can start to take place where they can be seen.  But the internal changes and improvements are every bit as important. Patience is most definitely a virtue where your health is considered.  You need to be in a hurry to get on your pathway to health...but you might have to be patient when it comes to seeing your external results.  Give it time.  It will come!

2.  "Plexus didn't work for me!  I still eat junk food every day!"

I'm not making this up...that is really the response some people have when trying Plexus!  (And I'm sure many other health aides)   Plexus isn't going to stop you from being hungry.  It's going to curb your appetite, but it's not going to take it away. (remember: you need food to survive...I would stay away from any product that took away your appetite completely!)  Plexus is also not going to go to the grocery store, stock your fridge with fresh greens, veggies, and lean meats.   That is up to you.  What Plexus does do, by bringing your blood sugars into balance, is create an atmosphere within your body, within your gut, that is no longer raging out of control on the sugar roller coaster.  

Those highs and lows are one of the main reasons that your body craves sugary and unhealthy foods.  Plexus levels the playing field, so to speak.  It takes the personality-morphing, uncontrollable, searching-through-the-pantry-for-chocolate-chips monster out of the picture so that you can be the level-headed you that you meant to be just minutes before your blood sugar levels plummeted and sent you on that pantry-searching rage and let's you calmly make a good choice.  But the choice is still yours to make.  In my house,  Friday is donut day for my kiddos.  All week they have yogurt, oatmeal and honey-sweetened muffins.  We don't do much in the way of sugary cereals, so Friday all bets are off and I pick up their donuts on the way home from the gym.  And especially after a hard work out, let me tell you....I am ravenously hungry and can still be tempted. There's nothing like the smell of a fresh donut.  And I've snuck a bite or two even since I have started Plexus.  But pre-Plexus let's just say I was sneaking more than that.  ;)  But the biggest difference is that pre-Plexus the urge to shove 3 donuts in my mouth felt overwhelming, and I couldn't resist them.  Now, I can taste a bite and go on my way.  And most weeks, I don't even desire to do that.  

I kind of think of Plexus as putting the cart before the horse.  I was having a really hard time making the changes that would get me healthier.  Or I would make the changes, but it was taking so long to feel the difference that I would give up.  Plexus kind of went ahead of me and started getting things healthier so that it was much easier for me to make the better choices I needed and wanted to make anyway.  

Now, I feel personally compelled to say that maybe you are someone who doesn't notice a change, or a strong change, when taking Plexus products.   Well, then- that's what that awesome 60 day money-back guarantee is for.  That money-back guarantee is one of the reasons I can so boldly say "What have you got to lose?  Just give it a try!"

So- Plexus Myth #1 would be that 'Plexus will make me get skinny and healthy fast, without me making any changes to my diet or lifestyle!"  

I've said it before and I will say it again. If you are taking Plexus and eating fried-drive through food every day, three meals a day- you aren't healthy.  Maybe a touch healthier....but not healthy.  What Plexus will do is start you on the right track so that it is easier and more attainable to make good choices and get healthier.  With a huge support system and plenty of encouragement from those on the same path. 

I couldn't he happier with my choice to jump on this Plexus bandwagon.   If you're ready to give it a try, let me know.  Why not?

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