Saturday, June 14, 2014

3 Things You'll NEVER Hear Me Say About Plexus

"This is my customer Suzy! Doesn't she look amazing?  She's lost 60 pounds in just 1 month!"

Ok, hopefully no one would say anything quite that extreme, but my point is: while getting to a healthy weight is better for you, getting there too fast can be dangerous.  Losing weight at a rapid pace can be damaging to your heart and other internal organs.  Please be patient.  Do not try a 3 day sample, a 7 day sample, or even a whole 30 day supply of Plexus and think that you should be headed out for an all new wardrobe when you're done.  Slow and steady really does win the race when the finish line is a healthy body.

"I didn't even have to eat differently or start working out and look how healthy I am now!"

*disclaimer: some of my friends that are loving Plexus started out at a low weight and dropped 5-15 pounds resulting in a more trim version of their already cute selves.  They are the exception to this...already eating healthy and being active, but maybe their portions were too large or they had some "baby weight" hanging around and had hit a plateau.  So, this statement may be true for some!*

But here's the deal. I am carrying excess weight. A lot of us are.  If I continue to eat a high sugar, high carb, acidic diet (which I have fallen back into the routine of doing) and don't get more consistent in my workout, I am only "kinda" getting healthy.  Sure, it will be healthier to lose the belly fat that puts a strain on my body and organs, etc.  But skinny does NOT automatically equal healthy.  We all know that one person who can down cheeseburgers and chocolate cake, not exercise,  and never gain an ounce.  That, my friends, is not healthy.  For the love- EAT CLEAN.  Get active.  Plexus is only a crutch if you let it be.  Instead use it as a springboard to get you on the right path, and keep you there.

"It's all it's safe"

That is a blanket statement that doesn't give proper attention to the fact that the creators of Plexus Slim have worked hard to make something that is both all-natural AND safe.   For example, you know that tiny print on food cans that gives you full confidence to buy it because it must be healthy?

Natural Flavors 

"Perfect!  Awesome! This snack is a-ok for my kiddos because there aren't any artificial flavors!", you say.

I hope you know that 9 times out of 10 "Natural Flavors" means it has MSG.  That's right...that nasty additive we ladies all work so hard to avoid when we are pregnant. And gives some of us migraines.  And that, all in all, is NOT good for us.  It is "all natural".   In addition, even herbs, plant extracts, and minerals can be harmful if taken incorrectly, in excess, or by a person who has a condition that conflicts with it.   So, when you ask me if Plexus Slim is safe, my answer will NOT be "It's All Natural!".  I will show you the ingredients, what they are known to do, and how they are not known to have any adverse affects.   Because let me tell you- this girl has to be writhing in pain to even take something for a headache.  I do NOT put medications into my body and even fully evaluate naturopathic resources.  That's yet another reason I was so slow to jump on the Plexus train.  My friends that know me well know that if it's on the internet, I can find it.  I fancy myself somewhat of a rogue investigator.  And even I haven't been able to dig up a bit of dirt on the ingredients of Plexus Slim.

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