Friday, June 13, 2014

My {Plexus} Turning Point

My Turning Point (Or..."What Pushed Me Over the Edge and Made Me Secretly Try Plexus")

It wasn't the need to lose weight. It wasn't even the general feeling of discomfort from the excess weight  that I couldn't seem to shake.  It was the EXHAUSTION.  

I was needing to take a nap by 2 pm everyday. On the days that I worked out, I was sometimes falling asleep on the couch before lunch.  And the idea of taking my whole crew of kiddos out for any outing that wasn't entirely necessary was enough to bring me to tears.  I mean- I was as fatigued as a mama can be.

And there is a little problem with that.  You see...I have seven children.  Seven daughters to be exact. And TWO of them are currently TWO years old.  On top of that, I homeschool the oldest 5, which means I am on duty every single moment of the day.  Every.  Single.  Moment.  Napping is just not a realistic part of my life.  (Resisting the urge to make an "ain't nobody got time for that" joke).  

On top of being made me sad.  I need to use each moment of my day productively if I am going to meet the needs of my girls.  When the babies nap, I was making that my mandatory "Mommy lays down for 30 minutes" time.  And there were so many other ways I'd rather spend that time.

So at the end of my first week on the Pink Drink, a Plexus Miracle happened.   (Can I coin that phrase?  "A Plexus Miracle"?)  The twins went down for their nap, someone called for me in the dining room asking me to come paint nails.  And I didn't even hesitate.  And it hit me before I could even sit down and begin--- IT WAS WORKING.  My fatigue was fading.  As the second week began, I found myself enthusiastically gathering my kiddos and heading somewhere that I usually avoid, kids or not-- THE MALL.  And I had the energy not only to endure it, but to enjoy it with them. did that happen?  I don't claim to be a scientist and understand what elements of the pink drink do what, but I do believe strongly that Plexus helped to balance my blood sugar levels, and that helps my body to avoid sugar crashes and spikes.  And the imbalance that existed before was causing the fatigue.

And even my kids notice the difference.  And while they are still teasing me relentlessly for my conversion from Anti-Plexus to Pro-Plexus, I know that my family is better off for the change.

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