Wednesday, June 25, 2014

"But you don't have to take my word for it!"

I really want to put a big picture of LeVar Burton right here, with his big grin, but I'm afraid that might be cheesy.  I hope you're all catching the Reading Rainbow reference in the title.  ;)

If you are reading this and you don't currently purchase and take Plexus Slim or some other Plexus product, I am guessing that it means you have some sort of interest in doing so.  Something is really catching your eye and you're trying to decide whether or not to take the plunge.  What's holding you back?   Are you wondering if the ingredients are safe?  I believe they are.

{cue cheesy Reading Rainbow reference}

"But you don't have to take my word for it!"

In selling Plexus, I am asking my customers to consume a drink, ingest a pill, slather themselves in a body cream that could absorb into their bloodstream.  I realize that this is not a decision that many of us take lightly.

Please.  Don't take my word for it.  

It is not irritating, annoying or offensive to me if you message me and say "How do I know if this stuff is safe?".  Don't think for a minute that I didn't research these products like crazy before ever putting that first pink drink to my lips.  

Message me, email me, post on my Facebook.  I would love to send you detailed information and ingredient lists for any Plexus product.  And if you still have more questions and I don't know the answers, I will research and ask until I can find it.

If you ask me if it's safe my answer will be that I wholeheartedly believe it is.  But if you are a researcher like me, I want to give you any information I can to help you decide whether or not Plexus is right for you.  

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