Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Why I Facebook Blocked My Plexus-Selling Friends….

Yes.  I really am going to admit it.   I did.  I’m sorry.  It’s not that I didn’t love them, or even minded that they wanted to post about their business venture on their facebook.   I have friends that sell other brands of various sorts that post as well.  But y’all- I have 537 friends that sell Plexus. 

Ok- that might be an understatement.  I don’t even have 537 facebook friends.  But some days it felt like it.  But that wasn’t my only reason.

You see, 5 years ago, I was super focused on getting into shape.  With no dietary helps, no trainers, just a gym membership, a faithful workout buddy, a great pair of Brooks on my feet, I lost 40 pounds,  I quit sugar.  Cold Turkey.  I rarely consumed bread.  And I felt great.  I ran a half marathon, I bought all new clothes, I played better with my kids, and it made me happy.

Fast forward to the birth of my twins, whom I carried until 37 weeks and delivered at over 6 pounds each.  That’s a lot of baby, and a lot of “baby weight”. 

I was back out walking/running/hitting the gym within weeks.  But I was tired.  And life got stressful.  And food made me feel better.  I know that fitness is about 30% exercise and 70% nutrition.  And while I was working out a few times a week, I was still eating whatever comfort foods I could find.  I would resolve to give up sugar again, and fail within two or three days.  My willpower hasn’t been enough this time around.  (and for those of you who might be reading this and tune it out because you don’t need to shed any pounds…know that kicking the sugar habit and maintaining healthy blood sugar levels is about way more than losing weight.  That’s just part of MY journey.  The increased energy, lack of unhealthy cravings, and overall feeling of wellness is why I will continue drinking Plexus even after the excess weight is gone. Not to mention the other great products like their probiotic, multivitamin, etc.)

So…why would that make me block my Plexus-crazed Facebook pals? 


I mean- I did it all alone.  I would kind of get tired about hearing how fantastic everyone was feeling and looking when they had this “crutch” to help them along.  I did it all by myself. Why couldn’t they?  And I was determined to do it by myself again….and show them I didn’t need some pink drink to make it happen.

While secretly researching Plexus on the internet with an irritated look on my face.

And then I got tired of being unhealthy.  And tired of failed attempts.  Finally- after much research, and seeking the wisdom of several other “over-researchers” I know, I decided it was time to lay my pride aside.  And I asked a friend to give me a few days of her Plexus stash.  I mean- once I finally decided to give in, I was so excited I drove to her house at 10:30 pm to get some from her.  And I swore her to absolute secrecy.  I was giddy.

So.  Here I am.  If you’re someone I see in real life, you might look at me and see that there aren’t any results yet.  Nope.  Not yet.  Then how can I speak so confidently about the success of Plexus?  Because of those 537 friends. Most of whom I have known for 15-20 years.  And their success stories are incredible.  And I am happily looking forward to joining them as I find my way back to healthy.

And now I know why they post so much.  If you are struggling at all…with anything from weight to exhaustion, to headaches, to tummy troubles…so often the culprit is sugar.  I know.  Because I have gone without sugar.  For 8 months.  And life is better without it.  And they just want you to know that if you are struggling, there is something to help you out.

And now- this girl drinks pink.  

P.S.  I've unblocked them now.  ;)

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