Tuesday, June 24, 2014

My Plexus Top 10....So Far

I know, I know...you see the Plexus posts and roll your eyes...."What are they going to claim that Plexus fixes next?"...at least that's what I have done.  It's just to help with weight loss, right?  So why do you keep seeing Facebook posts that people are less anxious, sleeping better, see improvements in their eczema, etc?  Is it because Plexus "fixes" all of these things?


It doesn't.

Not exactly.  "All of those things" are simply the by-product of a body and gut overwhelmed with sugar and candida yeast.  What Plexus does is help bring your blood sugar levels to a good healthy place so that you can get a handle on your sugar issues.  And, coupled with the Probio5 probiotic, it gets your body back to the place it's meant to be.  

Kinda scary when you think about it...the side-effects of sugar really are doing a number on our society.  

So, what are the "Top 10" differences I have noticed in my life as I wrap up my 2nd week on Plexus?

1.  Increased Energy.  This is what I noticed first, hands down.  Before anything else kicked in, I realized I wasn't exhausted from sun up to sun down

2. Better Sleep.  Now, if you know anything about my family, this is nothing short of a miracle.  I have 7 children, and two of them are two years old. To top it off, we are currently in a rental house, having sold our home, and said two year olds tend to wake each other and their siblings up around 2 to 4 am every night, given the close proximity of their sleeping arrangements.  For me to wake up fresh and rested is a feeling I had been missing, and it's been great to feel it again!

3. Clarity of Thought or what most people call "Brain Fog".  Able to sit and listen to others and not be missing half of it.  Or to read aloud to my children and not stop and wonder what I just read.

4. No More Dizziness.  Now, I'm pretty much a big ol' hypochondriac.  My doctor isn't surprised any time I show up asking for a range of blood tests due to any random ailment or symptom.  And those dizzy spells have had me google-diagnosing myself and running off for blood work more than once in the last year.  Gone. 

5. I'm Nicer.   Now, that one I struggle with.  I am a grown up.  Responsible for my own behavior and actions, regardless of my blood sugar levels.  But let me tell you that my ability to control my emotions, be more patient, and be more calm seem to have increased.  When I would hit those afternoons where I was exhausted and my sugar levels were plummeting, causing me to be hungry and cranky and weepy...I was not a mama you wanted to be around.  Sugar spikes and plummets are a thing of the past...resulting in a much more pleasant Rachel  ;)

6.  My Pants are Getting Looser.  I'm sure you can't tell yet.  It's going to take a little longer for others to notice.  But it's happening.  The clothes that were ALL too tight are a little more comfortable.  Baby steps, but it's happening.  Pretty soon, I may not have to wear my yoga pants everywhere I go.  

7. I no longer duck into an aisle at the store to avoid my Plexus-selling friends.  OK- let me say this. My Plexus-selling friends are way too cool to look at me and think, "Gee- she needs to lose 40 pounds.  She should be on Plexus".  But seriously- I have seen some of you in public and gone out of my way to avoid you because that was my fear.  Even though I know they are way too sweet, kind, and nice to be that way.  But hang on...I have a point: It shows you that I have been THAT self-conscious.  Feeling so badly about myself that I would miss the chance to see and chat with friends that I don't see often.  I am that un-happy with the excess weight.  And so happy to be on the road to fixing it.  

8.  I just feel BETTER.  Less bloated, less yucky. Less "stuffed" all the time.  I had hit the point that I felt uncomfortable in my own skin.  And that is rapidly improving.

9. I Don't Feel Like I'm 93 Years Old When I Get Out of Bed in the Morning.    Ya'll know what I'm talking about.  Waking up, legs stiff, back aching, every muscle making me think "I can NOT possibly be this old already?".  Gone.  Just all the way gone.  (And this one fact by the way, is what caused my husband to place his own order this week.  He's on board now too ;)

10.  More Energy.   Ok, that's cheating.  I already used that one.  But I started this journey saying that was my "Why".  So it bears repeating.  Y'all.  I'm not exhausted all the time.   I know you understand!

Maybe you have some weight to lose?  Maybe you're super skinny but still tired all the time?   Maybe you have tummy problems or groggy brain by 2 pm?  Or a host of other ailments that might, MIGHT, be a by-product of sugar imbalances and candida yeast taking over your gut.  Why not take a chance and see?

What's your "WHY"?  It's a 60 day money back guarantee. What have you got to lose?  The only thing it might require is eating a little humble pie because you said you'd never try it.  Message me privately...you don't have to tell anyone until you see if it really works.   I'm pretty sure you'll be happy you did.  


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